Trauma Based Therapy

Table of contents for Dr Schwarz's book Tools for Transforming Trauma

In addition to writing a text book, articles, and chapters on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Dr. Schwarz has completed his new book on new approaches to treating trauma. He has also organized eight national conferences on Treating Survivors of Sexual Abuse. Dr Schwarz has worked with hundreds of people with PTSD and trained hundred of therapists as well.

Soldiers and Civilians with Traumatic Reactions to War

PTSD results from the body's healthy attempt to adapt to the dangers of war. In large part, PTSD is the result of mind and the body being succesful at adapting to war. The soldier or civilians becomes conditioned to the war zone. Even though the soldier comes home, his or her body and mind are still stuck in the war state. The problem is that: What works in the war zone - does not work at home.

This approach includes emphasis on helping the client to function in the here and now, through symptom stabilization, increasing client resources and resolving traumatic memories. This includes:

  • Decreasing intrusive imagery
  • Releasing negative energy in the body
  • Reconditioning thought and reaction patterns
  • Learning better skills at self soothing and self-care
  • Processing & understanding memories

Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse & Dissociative Disorders

This approach includes emphasis on helping the client to function in the here and now, through symptom stabilization, increasing client resources and resolving traumatic memories. This includes:

  • Decreasing intrusive imagery
  • Re-owning devalued aspects of self
  • Learning better skills at self soothing and self-care
  • Processing & understanding memories

Victims of Crime, Accidents

People who have been traumatized by recent accidents or crimes can develop significant emotional problems. Intervention can prevent a spiraling effect of increasing dysfunction. In many cases, problems can be resolved in as few as 2-5 sessions. Early intervention is the key.

Forensic Evaluations can determine the extent of psychological trauma as a result of accidents or incidents. If you believe you may have been traumatized call us for a full evaluation.